
Сепаратори Alfa Laval CultureOne™

Сепаратори преміум-класу для одноразовго використання у біофармацевтичній промисловості

Виняткова ефективність поділу при одноразовому використанні

Alfa Laval CultureOne - це унікальний модельний ряд сепараційних систем преміум-класу одноразового використання для біофармакологічних процесів. Завдяки перевіреним інноваціям для дбайливої обробки продукту та збільшення виходу, CultureOne забезпечує неперевершену ефективність поділу культур клітин високої густини. Подолання колишніх обмежень на одноразовий збір.

premium range of centrifugal separators for single use biopharmaceutical processing


Adding scalability to proven performance

With product recovery yields up to 99%, CultureOne Primo is the GMP-ready solution for harvesting smaller cell culture batches. CultureOne Maxi enables processing of large volumes with the same premium performance. Together, they bring increased product recovery and a more efficient workflow to biopharma processing, from R&D to production scale.

Learn more about the CultureOne range

Higher yields-better value-single use separators

Higher yields. Better value.

CultureOne enables higher product yields than other single-use alternatives, with a typical yield of 95% and peak yields of 99%. The centrifuge continuously discharges the highly concentrated cells during separation, maximizing centrate recovery and centrate clarity. Minimal product loss in the primary harvest step greatly improves overall yield.

Get the facts

Safety and quality with Spinsert™

At the core of CultureOne’s performance lies the patented, disposable and recyclable Spinsert bowl assembly – fully sterilized and ready for processing. Easy to set up and replace, Spinsert is the key to simplified workflow and faster turnaround. Incorporating all of Alfa Laval’s proven separation innovations:

  • Hermetic Design provides low shear and higher product recovery yield.
  • TopStream™ enables continuous ejection of concentrated solids during separation.
  • UniDisc™ increases disc area for improved separation efficiency.
Safety and quality with Spinsert™ for single use separator
A better harvest with centrifugal separation

A better harvest with centrifugal separation

Product recovery during primary harvest is a crucial factor determining the productivity of cell culture operations. However, many single-use harvesting systems cannot efficiently separate the high-density cell cultures that are becoming more common. Resulting in high rates of product loss. This problem is overcome with CultureOne. Combining the benefits of high-efficiency centrifugal separation with the assurance and convenience of single-use processing.

How separation works

Delivering true customer value to single-use biopharma processing

Click here to access an exclusive webinar featuring some of the separation innovation experts behind the development of CultureOne. Here, they explain how CultureOne’s unique design features contribute to proven performance in terms of improved yield, filterability and low additional lyses. You can also hear more about our recent study connected with Genentech, Inc., and published as a white paper by Bioprocess International.


Premium, proven performance. Learn more in our white paper.

CultureOne is a premium and scalable centrifugal separation system with single-use components. Thanks to our well-proven design features, it enables efficient separation with minimal lyses for new benefits in single-use processing environments. One recent study, for example, has shown that CultureOne can deliver yields of up to 98%. Read more about this in our new white paper.

cultureone white paper vignette

Superior processing with predictable and scalable performance

Alfa Laval CultureOne is a scalable platform, based on Alfa Laval’s well proven disc-stack technology to support the industry’s need for improved productivity.


True hermetic design: the best quality and safety guarantee

The secret behind CultureOne’s performance is the new Alfa Laval Spinsert™. This patented, replaceable and recyclable insert comes with all of our unique features, including Alfa Laval’s fully Hermetic Design, as well as the TopStream™ and UniDisc™ technologies.


Developed with the industry to meet today’s demands

Alfa Laval has partnered with leading biopharmaceutical producers to verify process performance under a wide variety of process conditions, ensuring CultureOne is a flexible solution to meet ever-changing process demands.

single use pharmaceutical production

Ready for production – today

If you are looking to improve productivity in your single-use biopharma operation, there’s no reason to wait. CultureOne Primo is ready for production with all the documentation needed for validation in your GMP environment. Get in touch to find out more.

CultureOne Range - ready for production today

Why switch to single-use processing?

There are many reasons why more biopharma manufacturers are getting rid of sterilization equipment in favour of single-use processing solutions. Greater assurance of patient safety is key: just like single-use syringes in doctor’s offices, single-use technologies offer the best prevention of cross-contamination between batches. And single-use processing also means a reduced footprint and increased flexibility, making it possible to bring important new treatments to market faster than ever before.



Don’t miss our upcoming webinars

Want to learn more about the advantages of single-use processing and how CultureOne can benefit you? Register to meet Alfa Laval separation experts at our upcoming webinars to find out everything you need to know.


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Doug Osman

Director, Life Science Technology

Alfa Laval is launching the first premium separator system for single-use biopharmaceutical processing

The biopharmaceutical industry has seen a major shift toward more flexible cell culture production systems that rely on smaller facilities with single-use processing equipment.


The Separator Innovator

Want to know more about the unique innovations in Alfa Laval’s separation technology? We have been reinventing centrifuge technology for over 130 years. On our Separator Innovator hub, we share much of the knowledge we have learned along the way.
